3 Full Films

A Cinderella Story - Warner Bros, A Clifford Werber Poduction, in association with Dylan sellers productions

Mise en scene
In a Cinderella Story the main character, again, is a girl. This is stereotypical of the teenage drama demographic as they would make the main character a girl, expecting teenage girls to be the ones who are watching the film.

The stock characters are:
  • The main girl, she is unnoticed except for being shown as ‘diner-girl’. People know who she is but in a bad way.
  • There is the best friend, in this film this is a boy who is not interested in the main girl but is her best friend.
  • There is the love interest, this is the mystery boy who she talks o over the internet but also is head of the football team at her school. The stereotypical jock.
  • The head cheerleader, she is ‘dating’ the love interest that the main girl wants. She is the ‘centre of attention’ and the best friend of the main girl like her.
  • The stepsisters, these girls are the ‘bad guys’ as they are trying to stop the main girl and the boy from being together in any way possible.
  • The stepmother, she is the ‘villain’ who controls the main girls life and what she does and doesn’t do, she is the character that people would not like because she is the horrible character.
  • The helper friend, this is the main girls boss who is not the stepmother, this person is likeable because she is the person who helps the main girl to get to the ball and meet the boy. 

The main settings in a Cinderella Story are:

  • The diner - the place of work where the main character works. This is where the place is that main character talks to the boy and when the connection between each other, and where they first communicate happens.
  • The school - this is where they are a lot because they have to go to school because they are teenagers, the main character mentions that she wants to go the Princeton college and therefore in order to get in she must go to school even if she is bullied by the cheerleaders.
  • The main characters house - this is where you find out most of the important details in the film due to the main characters room being a main room as all of her stuff, work and childhood are in that room. Therefore when things about her childhood and future are revealed by her or other characters that is in her room.

  •  Death - this is the first theme as it starts with her father dying. This is also what saves her from her stepmother and making her do thing she doesn’t want to do because by the death of her father she finds his will and everything goes to her rather than her stepmother.
  • Love - this is a large film as there is the ongoing love interest for the main boy. There is the lack of love from her ‘family’. The love between her best friend and the cheerleader, the love between the diner ‘family’ and her. And finally the ongoing love for her father and how he was the only person she loved and then he was taken away.
  • Beauty - this a theme as it goes on between every girl in the film. The main character does not consider herself to be beautiful and then she shows up at the ball in a beautiful dress and is all of a sudden noticed by everyone including the cheerleader who envies her. The stepmother and stepsisters are also constantly going on about beauty as they want to be the most beautiful and even compete with each other and then the main character herself. 

There is a jump cut at the main part of the film, after seeing the whole of the main character in her outfit there is a jump cut to a mid shot of her face, this then shows the expression on her face and how happy she looks which is different as she hasn’t been that happy through most of the film. There are the main straight cuts which make the film smooth and this is good because otherwise it would not be a very good film as the cuts would be difficult to understand and if they had fades and wipe throughout the whole film then it would not look like a film or it would ruin it by being too jumpy and wild and would then be too confusing to the demographic.

Camera shots/movement
There are a lot of crane long shots in which it shows the whole of the ‘kingdom’ well place that the main character lives in. there are a few zoom out to show the whole picture of a person or place, this then shows more of that character and idea behind them to who they are and what they are doing. There are a lot of pans that run across the film this shows more people and what they are doing  around the main characters. The main  character usually has a mid-shot on her unless she is with another person in which the shot is wider and therefore shows both characters in the frame. This is because as she is the main character it is more important for her to be the centre of attention and for the demographic to be able to see.

Most of the non-diegetic sound is music. This music is either usual fun and jumpy music, usually something that is an up-beat and goes with what is going on in the frame. Other music was music that is an instrumental, quite sad and quiet that creates an atmosphere that is upsetting and worrying to the demographic. There is also the pretty music that connotes happiness which when the two main characters are dancing together, this is a happy moment in the film and  shows this though it’s music. The other non-diegetic sound is an over voice of the main girl, this gives some insight to her as whilst she is speaking it shows parts of her past which explains where she is in live at this time. The normal diegetic sound is the conversation between all of the characters which obviously is the main sound throughout the whole film.

John Tucker Must Die – 20th Century fox, a Landscape entertainment production, a Betty Thomas film

Mise en scene
The main character, a girl, is quite a normal person, she dresses normally but she isn’t noticed until she moves school and gets in the middle of things. She is in the middle of the frame most of the time as she is the main character although when with her new friends she isn’t in the middle because they are more powerful because they are telling her what to do.

The stock characters are:
  • The main girl, she is not noticed by anyone until she realises some gossip and then she because friends with these people.
  • The main guy, he is arrogant and wants to be the centre of attention. He cheats on girls without them knowing, dating three girls at once. Very confident and cocky that he doesn’t see revenge coming.
  • The smart girl, she is one of the girls who are being cheated on by the main guy, she is smart and part of a lot of the school clubs yet she is popular from it.
  • The head cheerleader, she is also one of the girlfriends of the main guy, she is powerful and popular, she has an evil mind and being so popular has an insight onto what is going on.
  • The vegan girl, she is the last one who is dating the main guy, she is the one who notices the others but doesn’t think that anything is happening.

The main settings in a John Tucker Must Die are:
  • The school - this is where the characters meet, and where all of the gossip and details are found out, this is when they then become friends.  It is also where they spend most of their time because of their age; however, they do end up spending a lot of time out of school due to basketball seasons.
  • The main characters house – this is where they plan the revenge on the main guy. This is where they really get to know each other because they end up spending most of their time there.
  • The gym – this is where the main character specifically meets the others as they get into a fight. As the main guy is head of the basketball team they are also in there a lot as they have matches that the girls go to. 

  • Love - this film has the theme of love running through it as the film is based on the fact that the main boy character broke these three girls hearts and from this they are then taking revenge and breaking his heart by using the new girl who is the main girl.
  • Revenge – this is the main theme as the whole idea of the revenge is what the girls are doing to the main guy because of what he did to them; this therefore makes it so that the theme of revenge is running through the whole thing. 

Most of the editing is just straight cuts, again to make it a smooth transition from one frame to another. There is a freeze shot of John Tucker, the main guy, as he shoots the ball through the hoop in the first basketball game, this show he’s features and introduces the character to the demographic well because he is the centre of attention as the image has frozen on him.

Camera shots/movement
The main camera shots are mid-shots as they are mainly focusing on main characters, these character are shown to have pretty features and therefore by having mid-shots you can see the whole picture of them and how they dress which shows off their personality and expressions in great details. There are a few long shots, mostly when the main guy is playing basketball; this shows what he is doing in great detail as it shows the difference between him and his team. It also moves the shots from him to his girlfriends and the difference between them, which shows that they are all far apart and don’t talk to each other because they are so different.

There is both non diegetic and diegetic sound. At the beginning of the film there is an over voice of the main character which goes with what is going on in the frame. This shows character and things about the character which we would not know until she told us so to speak. The other non-diegetic sound is music, this goes with the situation that is going on in the film, for example if it is a sad moment then the music would be quiet and slow whereas if it is a happy or funny moment in the film then the music is upbeat and fun. 

High School Musical 3 extract – Disney

Mise en scene
The main character starts in the middle of the frame, he is in a basketball kit which shows the personality of him as he is obviously a basketball player. Due to how stressed and sweaty he is, this makes him seem very important, as he is the first person on the screen, if he is the most important in the game then he is most likely the team captain.

Stock characters:
·      The main guy, he is the centre of the film as the main problem is that he would have to move to go to college and yet he isn’t sure what he wants to do either.
·      The main girl, she is the main guy’s girlfriend, she is also going to college but to a college far away and therefore they won’t be able to see each other as much.
·      The best friends, there is the main guy’s best friend and the main girl’s best friend, they are dating but they are also really good friends with the main characters, this is good because they get to be known by the demographic because they are always with them or with each other.
·      The helper friend, this is the character who always helps the main characters; she is a musician and is able to play the piano and create great music for the main characters to sing.
·      The bitchy character, this character is the one who wants everything to be about her and she usually gets what she wants.
·      The brother, this is the bitchy characters brother who is lowered down to a smaller level because he isn’t as noticed because of his sister, however he stands up to her and gets his way and ends up getting the better part of it rather than her.

·      The school – this is where they are a lot of the time as this is where they spend most of their time. The characters walk around the school a lot to different areas, however the school is the whole thing and therefore they are mainly in that setting.
·      The auditorium – even though this is part of the school this is a major setting as they are the people who sing and dance and therefore they are in this place a lot. Also this is where they graduate and therefore end here and this is where the main characters properly met and got to know each other.
·      The gym – again this is part of the school however this is a main part of the school that they use as this is where their prom is and it is also where they have the basketball games, as the main character is a basketball player this is a main place for him and therefore a main place for the demographic.
·      Love – there is the love between the two main characters and the crushes that occur between the other smaller characters and they crushes that people have on the main characters. This is major because a lot of people can relate to being in love and having crushes.
·      Choices – there is the constant ongoing theme about making choices and decisions mainly because the characters are having to make the decision about which college to go to and if they do go to college then what are they going to do. This decision is mainly affecting the main guy however it is affecting others because they are competing for a scholarship in the arts.

Camera shots/movement
The first shot is a close up of the main character, this is to show how stressed the character is and it shows his emotion and features in a good way. This gives the demographic a god idea about who he is as he is being shown in a way to show everything. There are pans running throughout the beginning of this extract as they are following the ball in the basketball match, it then follows the team out into the locker rooms and this is a contrast to when they follow the team out as they look sad when they go in and happy and jumpy when they come out. There is a main tilt that goes up the main character and from this it shows the sad expression and his hands which he is tying up to be stronger. It makes him seem like he has given up which makes the demographic feel sorry for him.

There is a zoom out of the boys playing basketball; this is to show more of the players as they pass the ball to one another. Most of the cuts are straight cuts this is to make the film go smoothly and to follow the game in a way that shows everyone including their audience on the screen and the reactions of how the game is going.

The sound at the beginning of this extract is screaming and cheering which is non-diegetic as you cannot see any people, although when you see the person you can hear him breathing and the cheering becomes diegetic. There is then the diegetic sound of the commentators announcing what is going on whilst the team walk out, this is sad because it is saying that they are behind and it is showing that they are sad. Then there is non-diegetic sound as the coach is talking to them, this is motivating music that is getting louder and louder, this makes the demographic more motivated and feel what the characters would be feeling.