1. She’s The Man – Dreamworks and Lakeshore entertainment
Mise en scene
In the beginning of this extract it is mainly the credits for the film, in the credits it shows the characters and the actions they are doing and then pauses and freezes on them as the effects are showing names for the credits. They show the main girl throughout the credits and she is the main focus, when if freezes it shows her relationships with the people around her. There are her friends mainly around her and as it freezes it show them messing about falling on the floor. They also show a group of attractive boys, one of these being shown as the main characters boyfriend, this relationship is shown by them kissing each other.
Camera shots/movement
There is a very long shot of the beach that all the characters on, this shows how many people are there which is a lot, showing that these teenagers like to stay in big groups rather than on their own. The main shots are mid-shots that zoom in and out by the editing. These shots are usually of the main character as it shows her main features and expressions. There are medium long shots of groups of other character such as a group of boys, this shows what they look like but doesn’t focus on them that much with shows that they are not important characters in this film. A lot of the camera movement is handheld; this is when they follow the feet and the football.
Most of the editing is fade in and out of white; this is fast which creates a flashing effect. There are also jump cuts that come forward and then jump back to the original shot. This is effective because it shows more of the person and then gets back to see the rest of them again, this way it shows all of their features in a good detail.
The main music is non-diegetic. This is a song that is upbeat and loud, this is because it connotes fun, and the characters on the screen seem to be having fun. There is also diegetic sound as you hear the characters laughing and shouting, this is effective because it shows that they are having fun through sound as well as the image.
2. Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging extract – Paramount, nickelodeon movies
Mise en scene
The main character is dressed in an unusual outfit, this shows the characteristics of being a fun and entertaining character, it is a good representation as she looks outgoing which everyone likes. The other characters shown that are ‘main’ characters, being her friends are dressed in a different way simply to impress boys, this is effective because it makes the main character noticed but in a bad way, this makes the character looks weird rather than outgoing as everyone around her is dressed in a completely different way and she actually cares about it as she is embarrassed. When talking to her friends the main girl is on the edge of the screen this makes her look less important and out of reach of being popular as she doesn’t look or dress like them.
The main character is dressed in an unusual outfit, this shows the characteristics of being a fun and entertaining character, it is a good representation as she looks outgoing which everyone likes. The other characters shown that are ‘main’ characters, being her friends are dressed in a different way simply to impress boys, this is effective because it makes the main character noticed but in a bad way, this makes the character looks weird rather than outgoing as everyone around her is dressed in a completely different way and she actually cares about it as she is embarrassed. When talking to her friends the main girl is on the edge of the screen this makes her look less important and out of reach of being popular as she doesn’t look or dress like them.
Camera shots/movement
The main character has the usual mid-shots to let the demographic see her and her features to get to know her as well as possible in the first couple of minutes. There is a long shot of the main character next to the car; this shows the contrast as she stands out and how big her costume is compared to the car as cars are quite big. There is a long shot of all the other characters that are dressed up and her in the middle which again shows the contrast and different personalities between the characters. There is a mid-shot of the four characters, the main girl and her friends, she is the odd one out and doesn’t look like she belongs there. There is a long pan following the character as she walks down the street and then again went she is running from the party.
The main cuts are straight cuts to make it a smooth start and make sure that everything is going well before any ‘cool’ edits. This is effective as it is ironic as the character’s life is not going smoothly in the beginning of the film. There really is no other type of edit in this extract as they stay with keeping it smooth and finished without putting any effects to change the mood.
The main cuts are straight cuts to make it a smooth start and make sure that everything is going well before any ‘cool’ edits. This is effective as it is ironic as the character’s life is not going smoothly in the beginning of the film. There really is no other type of edit in this extract as they stay with keeping it smooth and finished without putting any effects to change the mood.
The sound in this extract starts with non-diegetic. This is just a slight twinkle whilst the characters are talking; this makes it seem that something is going to happen as the sound is intriguing. The other non-diegetic sound starts after having an argument and this music is upbeat and fun, this is when the character is running, although you can still hear the diegetic sound of the character running.
3. The Princess Diaries Extract – Walt Disney Pictures, A Brownhouse Production, A Gary Marshall Film
Mise en scene
The main character is dressed in a school uniform and she has big frizzy hair and glasses, this makes her look like the stereotypical geeky girl which is ironic as she is actually a princess and she just doesn’t know. Her mum is dressed in her pyjamas and dressing gown and holds the stereotypical traits of a single mum being lazy and not doing much as she is still in her pyjamas when her child is going to school.
The main character is dressed in a school uniform and she has big frizzy hair and glasses, this makes her look like the stereotypical geeky girl which is ironic as she is actually a princess and she just doesn’t know. Her mum is dressed in her pyjamas and dressing gown and holds the stereotypical traits of a single mum being lazy and not doing much as she is still in her pyjamas when her child is going to school.
Camera shots/movement
Whilst fading from one to another the shots are being panned across to again show a wider range of the setting. The first shot of a character is a mid-shot, she is the main character and this is shown as she is being shown the main features of her and therefore she must be important. There is a pan that follows the character moving across her room and then there is a tilt movement following her down the stairs and then down the fire pole.
Whilst fading from one to another the shots are being panned across to again show a wider range of the setting. The first shot of a character is a mid-shot, she is the main character and this is shown as she is being shown the main features of her and therefore she must be important. There is a pan that follows the character moving across her room and then there is a tilt movement following her down the stairs and then down the fire pole.
The main cuts are straight cuts t make it smooth however it also contains a few fades and dissolves that change to show the different views between the shots of the land and setting that the film is in. this sets the scene nicely as it shows everything surrounding it.
The main cuts are straight cuts t make it smooth however it also contains a few fades and dissolves that change to show the different views between the shots of the land and setting that the film is in. this sets the scene nicely as it shows everything surrounding it.
This extract starts with non-diegetic sound, this is a pretty, Disney princess typed music which links to the fact that it is a Walt Disney production and that it is about a princess. The diegetic sound is the car sounds of the police sirens and the cars passing by. This shows that it is a normal place as the usual things are going on around it. The non-diegetic sound then changes to a piece of music that is upbeat and fun which shows the connotations of the film as it being a teen drama it wants to be suggested to being fun and entertaining.
This extract starts with non-diegetic sound, this is a pretty, Disney princess typed music which links to the fact that it is a Walt Disney production and that it is about a princess. The diegetic sound is the car sounds of the police sirens and the cars passing by. This shows that it is a normal place as the usual things are going on around it. The non-diegetic sound then changes to a piece of music that is upbeat and fun which shows the connotations of the film as it being a teen drama it wants to be suggested to being fun and entertaining.
4. Ice Princess extract – Walt Disney pictures
Mise en scene
The characters shown in the beginning of this extract are the main character and the main characters mother. The main character is skating around on a pond, she wearing a normal hat and gloves along with three jumpers and some trousers, this seems normal as the weather around her is snowy making the demographic know that it is winter time. Both characters shown are very happy which connote that the actual film will be happy as they start being happy they should end being happy.
The characters shown in the beginning of this extract are the main character and the main characters mother. The main character is skating around on a pond, she wearing a normal hat and gloves along with three jumpers and some trousers, this seems normal as the weather around her is snowy making the demographic know that it is winter time. Both characters shown are very happy which connote that the actual film will be happy as they start being happy they should end being happy.
Camera shots/movement
The first camera shot is of the main characters feet as she is skating and it follows what she is doing, there is then a tilt going up her to show what she is wearing and what she looks like, however as it is blurred they are unable to see her completely. There is then a very long shot of the girl skating hidden behind the trees. There is a crane shot movement above her showing her skating and being happy showing that it is something she loves to do. There is then a mid-shot of her mother looking through the window being happy which shows that she is proud and happy for her daughter, this is a god way of introducing a new character.
The first camera shot is of the main characters feet as she is skating and it follows what she is doing, there is then a tilt going up her to show what she is wearing and what she looks like, however as it is blurred they are unable to see her completely. There is then a very long shot of the girl skating hidden behind the trees. There is a crane shot movement above her showing her skating and being happy showing that it is something she loves to do. There is then a mid-shot of her mother looking through the window being happy which shows that she is proud and happy for her daughter, this is a god way of introducing a new character.
The main cuts are straight obviously to keep it smooth but there is a dissolve from the credits to start the film which is effective as it goes from the image of ice being skated on to actually seeing the skates that are making the marks on the ice. The actually video is slightly blurred so you can’t see the characters features but as it continues there is a fade, which brings everything’s to the clear, and everyone can see.
The main cuts are straight obviously to keep it smooth but there is a dissolve from the credits to start the film which is effective as it goes from the image of ice being skated on to actually seeing the skates that are making the marks on the ice. The actually video is slightly blurred so you can’t see the characters features but as it continues there is a fade, which brings everything’s to the clear, and everyone can see.
This extract starts off with the credit for it, this starts with non-diegetic sound a piece of music. This music is quite quiet and pretty, which shows the main characters personality, as she is the smart girl who is ignored but wants to be noticed. We don’t hear any diegetic sound in the first couple of minute of this extract as it has the credits and then the music introducing the characters through that, this is good though because it shows parts of their personality without speech and therefore within a couple of minutes you already know a lot about the personality even though there is no speech.
This extract starts off with the credit for it, this starts with non-diegetic sound a piece of music. This music is quite quiet and pretty, which shows the main characters personality, as she is the smart girl who is ignored but wants to be noticed. We don’t hear any diegetic sound in the first couple of minute of this extract as it has the credits and then the music introducing the characters through that, this is good though because it shows parts of their personality without speech and therefore within a couple of minutes you already know a lot about the personality even though there is no speech.
The Lizzie McGuire Movie extract – Walt Disney pictures
Mise en scene
The animation that is made is an animation of the main character, this is effective because whilst the main character is dancing and getting dressed the demographic can learn about the characters personality from the animation of it. The main character dresses normally and in everyday wear that the demographic themselves would probably wear, this shows that they are like the demographic and so it is easy for the demographic to relate to them.
The animation that is made is an animation of the main character, this is effective because whilst the main character is dancing and getting dressed the demographic can learn about the characters personality from the animation of it. The main character dresses normally and in everyday wear that the demographic themselves would probably wear, this shows that they are like the demographic and so it is easy for the demographic to relate to them.
Camera shots/ movement
A lot of the shots at the beginning are close ups, this is showing how the brother is connecting everything together and getting it ready to spy on his sister. From that a lot of the camera movement is handheld in a way as it is showing it from the camera that the boy has hidden in his sisters room and is controlling from a camera, this way the camera movement is slightly handheld as it wobbles.
A lot of the shots at the beginning are close ups, this is showing how the brother is connecting everything together and getting it ready to spy on his sister. From that a lot of the camera movement is handheld in a way as it is showing it from the camera that the boy has hidden in his sisters room and is controlling from a camera, this way the camera movement is slightly handheld as it wobbles.
There are the usual straight cuts that are what keeps the movie smooth and flowing however there are animation effects to create the titles and this way it makes the film more interesting and the demographic will be intrigued to see what is going to happen. These animations react with what the main character is actually doing which is good because it doesn’t effect it as much as it could be it is just there.
There are the usual straight cuts that are what keeps the movie smooth and flowing however there are animation effects to create the titles and this way it makes the film more interesting and the demographic will be intrigued to see what is going to happen. These animations react with what the main character is actually doing which is good because it doesn’t effect it as much as it could be it is just there.
The first sound is non-diegetic, this is spooky scary music which makes the demographic think that something is about to happen however it is just the main characters brother spying on her. The normal diegetic sound is the characters speaking however from this it then goes non-diegetic again as the main character puts music on but it is not shown during most of the extract. This music is upbeat and fun which shows the personality in this character but as she is dancing around it also shows that she is clumsy.
The first sound is non-diegetic, this is spooky scary music which makes the demographic think that something is about to happen however it is just the main characters brother spying on her. The normal diegetic sound is the characters speaking however from this it then goes non-diegetic again as the main character puts music on but it is not shown during most of the extract. This music is upbeat and fun which shows the personality in this character but as she is dancing around it also shows that she is clumsy.